

韩国Cheongsan E&C公司LAZEALL品牌—防细微灰尘,获超高关注

因连日持续的雾霾天气,为隔离细小颗粒物而推出的“抗衰老”化妆品正备受关注。韩国Cheongsan E&C公司推出的LAZEALL品牌就是其中之一。韩国LAZEALL是通过隔离细小颗粒物实现肌肤护理,营养供和镇静肌肤作用的防细微灰尘化妆品专门品牌。

Film and foil on inkjet printer solutions

Low density polyethylene (LDPE) and flexible metalized films are widely used in confectionery and savory snack packaging. Soft packaging materials can be seen as the main carrier of modern product packaging. How to achieve perfect and clear marking on soft packaging film and aluminum foil is a problem that the marking industry needs to consider at the beginning of the development of the marking sc


摘要:誕生於巴黎的當紅彩妝品牌 —— 櫻彤,以“妝出巴黎範”為品牌理念。融合頂尖的研發技術和最前沿的時尚精髓,創造出時髦的色彩潮流先鋒。致力於彩妝與護膚相互結合,讓女性可以將浪漫、自信、慵懶、性感,迷人的法式特質展現得淋漓盡致。

cosmetics matches skin perfectly in French style

Abstract: Yinrrytung, a popular cosmetics brand born in Paris, takes "make up in French style" as its brand concept. Integrating top research and development technology and the most cutting-edge fashion essence, Yinrrytung has made itself a fashionable color trend pioneer. The brand is devoted to makeup-and-skincare combination, maximizing the features of romance, confidence, sexiness, attractiven

Everyone is Invited to Celebrate Pride Month at the 20th Annual Stonewall Pride Wilton Manors Parade and Festival

WILTON MANORS, Fla., April 19, 2019 /haixunshe/​ -- In celebration of pride, equality, and inclusion approximately 40,000 individuals from across the state, nation, and world will come together on Saturday, June 15, 2019 for the 20th Annual Stonewall Pride Wilton Manors parade and festival. Individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and elected officials are all invited to participate in support and cel



Suggestions on choosing a laser printer

1. Reliability is the key When your laser printer is reliable and consistent in quality, you save valuable time and money. Choose a laser printer that meets your production line requirements to avoid unnecessary delays.

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